Individual Eligibility — Any current or recent student may register as
a competitor.
A current student is defined as a person of any age that is enrolled in a recognized academic
institution. A recent student would have been a current student until 3 years ago (July 5th,
An individual may be attached to an academic institution by being ever enrolled in it. A
institution is an accredited educational institution or an institution that may grant a degree
diploma. All institutions and competitors must be registered with the
IBCOL Registrar
Team Eligibility — Projects are submitted by teams of one to six eligible competitors.
Each team
must nominate one representative academic institution, if any of the team members are from
academic institutions. This representative institution determines which country or territory the
team and thus project will represent. Teams may be composed of members from different
countries/territories or academic institutions. The IN-BCOLworks with those declaring their
institutions from the UK.